Kentucky Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear signed a bill to legalize medical marijuana in April 2023, making Kentucky the 38th state to approve the medicinal use of cannabis for patients with chronic health conditions. The Democratic governor has been a longtime advocate for medical marijuana patients.

Who will qualify for medical marijuana use?

Senate Bill 47 allows patients with certain qualifying medical conditions including cancer, chronic pain, epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder to obtain a doctor’s recommendation to use cannabis medicinally. The bill does not allow patients to smoke marijuana, although it does allow for the sale of unprocessed cannabis flower for vaporization. Marijuana will be available in other forms, including capsules, tinctures and topical products. Patients will be permitted to possess a 10-day supply of cannabis on their person and a 30-day supply at home.

Under the bill, a person would have to be approved for a card allowing its use. A patient under 18 couldn’t possess or acquire medical cannabis without assistance from a designated caregiver.

Currently, there is no limit on how many medical marijuana dispensaries may open in Kentucky, but that could change when specific regulations are released.

When will medical marijuana be available?

The legislation directs the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services to draft and implement regulations to enact the legislation and regulate the production and sale of medical marijuana in the state. Under the bill, Kentucky’s medical cannabis program is slated to launch in early 2025.

What are my options now for using medical marijuana?

On Nov. 15, 2022, the Governor issued an executive order providing access to medical cannabis for Kentuckians who suffer from at least one of 21 medical conditions. These conditions include cancer, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, muscular dystrophy and terminal illness, as well as others.

If you’re suffering, you do NOT have to wait till 2025 for relief. Contact us now to get more information and set up an appointment to get legal!


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